Might have been removed for copyright or the author may have removed it, hard to know without knowing who made it. It would still be in the old P-Bot daily post log... Remember the name?
Animator procrastinator.
Age 29, Male
Ottawa, Canada
Joined on 8/2/10
Might have been removed for copyright or the author may have removed it, hard to know without knowing who made it. It would still be in the old P-Bot daily post log... Remember the name?
I had just remembered about the P-Bot forum system and remembered it came out around the same time as Spartaman 2. And I found what I was looking for. It was removed. :c
Erica is better than Matt, by Mutteo
Still a shame it got removed..
I would loved to watch it myself :(
Yeah, t'was a real cute, decently animated sprite flick. Wish I could get in contact with the artist, but links to his stuff are dead.
Dunno where we can find old spritimator but also we can't help it cuz they maybe retired for somehow, but if your looking for old animators, they may not be around elsewhere on Newgrounds or some other sites, but besides maybe I can help.