I seriously love your artwork due to awesome coloring, incredible line art, and my everlasting fanatical attachment to Sonic fan art. :P
I seriously love your artwork due to awesome coloring, incredible line art, and my everlasting fanatical attachment to Sonic fan art. :P
Wow are you turning Shadman, Boco? :P
It's awesome as usual but I still felt more magic with your last test. Great to hear you improved in color and I can't wait for more! ;)
i turn to shadman? because i drawed a girl in beach? hahaha nice one xD
and yeah i suppose i do get better. or.... was i never good to begin with?!! "epic zoom & music"
It's like I've seen video game heaven for 5 seconds...
You have to admit Vegeta and Napa do bring the series to its full glory. :P
i want to see nappa as Super Sayian 3!!!!
Aww... that's cute! :3
HEH thanks man ^^
Would be funnier if they were a 6 and a 9.
What the f*#$ is going on?!! XD
Man, this is cute! Lovin' the colors and line art! Awesome job! :D
This honestly isn't inked, I was kind of in a rush to "finish" it when I made it in the middle of the night.
You reminded me to ink it though. Haha thanks! :D
Never say it's not one of your best since it's clearly an improvement from the last one from body structure. You keep improving by the minute! :D
SQUWAPE did make a point when it comes to fingers, but the shading is just fine as usual. Plus, your characters faces always bring a smile. Nice practice, man. Never stop. ;)
Animator procrastinator.
Age 29, Male
Ottawa, Canada
Joined on 8/2/10