Damn, that was cute, from the art to the delivery! I could go for more of these.
Damn, that was cute, from the art to the delivery! I could go for more of these.
At 0:29, I think it was a missed opportunity to not have his eyes follow the dino lady falling.
Other than that, good animation and music. Could have gone with a funnier payoff, though.
The animation was pretty damn good. Can't say the same for your comedy, however. The Alphys laugh came out of nowhere, and... did Temmie just bark?
Aw, they were adorable. Charming series you got here.
Thanks :)
Those are some mad sprite skills you got going on there, very expressive and detailed. Hit me right in the feels, too. Kudos.
I'm... I'm beyond words.
Stellar. F*cking stellar, man. You put love and care into every single frame bringing this masterpiece of motion to life. Haven't seen animation this good in a while.
These are the projects on Newgrounds I missed the most like the ones Stamper would make, just pure, unadulterated fun. Thanks for putting this together!
I missed you I want you and the kids back in my life no wait our life!!! (thanks man!)
What's gotten into this site? Daily Features mean nothing nowadays.
Animator procrastinator.
Age 29, Male
Ottawa, Canada
Joined on 8/2/10