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Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, and if I am wrong, then forgive me.
But is Jasper's skip cycle in the beginning traced from that one leprechaun's skip from El-Cid's Bambee?
I'm sorry i just can't unsee it. They look so similar. Don't mind the score, I'm just going on my own assumption and asking a question.

rubberonion responds:

I asked the animator and he said it wasn't based on that. So thanks for the 1 star I guess?

First viewing: What a random, unforgiving piece of sh*t animation.
Fifth viewing: What the hell, why am I watching this again?

JunkYardAnimations responds:

What'd you say to yourself during the 10th viewing :P

Freaking loved it! You put a lot of details into the characters and backgrounds making it major eye candy.

Lampabot responds:

Thx <3

Animation's great, but that's the only thing I liked about it.

The story falls apart from how unrealistic it is. I can not get emotionally invested in death penalty caused by something that wouldn't call for it, making the message too preachy. If the dad had been an extreme pirate and had gone to jail for too long for the son to develop this addiction away from his dad, and have his dad come back to see the damage done to his son, then it could be more emotionally effective; but this comes off and extremist as PETA does with its animal PSA's. Also despite the voice quality being alright, it didn't sound like he was too invested in his own story.

Bleak-Creep responds:

This isn't really intended to be a serious story, it's just a straight faced parody.

Aw, they were adorable. Charming series you got here.

jerbjpg responds:

Thanks :)

These are the projects on Newgrounds I missed the most like the ones Stamper would make, just pure, unadulterated fun. Thanks for putting this together!

MobileSpider responds:

I missed you I want you and the kids back in my life no wait our life!!! (thanks man!)

Now that's what I call dedicated fanwork, all to the last detail, even the music which is "Endless Possibilities". Lot of love and work gone into this, and it shows! Good luck with this!

Chakra-X responds:

Good attention to detail and thank you!

Animator procrastinator.

Age 28, Male

Ottawa, Canada

Joined on 8/2/10

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