Animator procrastinator.

Age 29, Male

Ottawa, Canada

Joined on 8/2/10

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TheMAM's News

Posted by TheMAM - December 15th, 2021

In light of Newgrounds having better accessibility and video formatting over the years, there's not much point of having the collabs I ran on Youtube anymore, so there're unlisted now. Also, Youtube sucks and doesn't deserve this Newgrounds tradition anymore lol. If any of the artists that worked on those years want a Youtube link, hook me up.

Awesome work to all the artists who've kept this collab alive and thriving. I was super impressed with all the entries this year, and the number of participants were super up compared to previous ones. I love that this website had such a resurgence in the past few years. With that said, I wanna get some stuff off my chest about the experiences I've had with previous collabs.

While I'm proud of my work with 2012, 2013 and 2016, my entries for 2014 and 2015 are something I look back on with disdain. As collab organizer, I was to set an example and keep entries restricted to a sketch format, yet I made my entries with full greyscale fills and clean linework, making them not really sketch-like at all. I'd missed the point of what made the collab The Sketch Collab in the first place. For that, I apologize for my arrogance.

This was the reason why I was rejected from the 2017 collab. While I have my grievances with the organizer and their mismanagement of the would-be 2018 collab, their rejection was a reality check for me. Made me realize my entry wasn't exactly sketch-like.

I'd also like to address my lack of responsibility with joining this year's (or last year's?) collab, and a bunch of collabs in general honestly. I'd join collabs I was excited for, then remain silent and inactive until they eventually just drop me. This was due to university and a lack of motivation, but there's no excuse for the constant drops I keep making. So I wanna thank RGPAnims for the constant invites to this and other collabs. I appreciate it, and sorry I couldn't deliver.

On a side note, something that my collabs have lost with the shift from flash to video format is the preloader screens. The drawings me and the participants made for them are more or less buried and gone. It's kinda sad really, but I was thinking of reuploading them to the art portal for conservationist sake. Hopefully I can find those files or grab it from the website or something.

All this being said, I've come to appreciate this collab again, and realize just how much it's helped me (and hopefully others lol) with their art progression. This new community resurgence still feels overwhelming honestly, for someone who's been a member for more than a decade now, but it makes me excited for what it has to offer!

I'd like to thank Geoplex for his awesome music for all my collabs. This guy's been with my collabs from the start and is a big part of what made them as they are. I encourage you to check out his work and support the dude. They really deserve it. And a special thanks to Timsplosion for handing me the torch in the first place.

Thanks y'all, you made Newgrounds awesome again. Hook me up for the next Sketch Collab. I'll try my best not to dip again lol.


Ninjamuffin commented on my 2016 one. Surreal as fuck, mah dudes.



Posted by TheMAM - May 3rd, 2020

Hey y'all. I think some of the people Newgrounds automatically chooses to participate in the Monthly Voting for Best Games and Movies for <insert month here> aren't qualified for it, because I'm one of them.

I was under the impression those who partake more in the community, like voting on submissions or interacting with users, were given the P-bot message inviting them to partake in Monthly voting; but recently, even after I've regrettably slacked off on this site, I've been invited every month since a long time. Out of the 100+ games and movies I see as nominees every month, I'd have played none of the games and watched a couple of the movies already posted on Youtube. My votes would have gone to popular videos or those made by Newgrounds vets.

If this system hasn't changed where almost any Newgrounder can vote on Monthly now, a more selective, qualified roaster of judges should be scouted and picked, those who care about Newgrounds and its flashes as passionately as users like me did, and those who partake in community discussion and collaboration. I know there're users like that, and they deserve this opportunity more than I do.



Posted by TheMAM - April 7th, 2018

There was this sprite animation I watched back in the day that was one of my all time fondest memories on this site. But no matter how I use the Newgrounds search engine or enter specific keywords on Google search, it just seems like it never existed. So either it was deleted or fallen into serious obscurity.

Either way, this is all I know about the flash animation in question. If anyone can miraclously remember it and point it out somehow, I'd be really grateful:

It was a music video where a man and woman sing on stage, singing "Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)". It'd then cut to them doing what the lyrics of the songs say. It won Daily First.

Posted by TheMAM - November 10th, 2017


Posted by TheMAM - February 11th, 2017

I just need to sort some stuff out is all. If I find myself unable to persue it in the upcoming months, I'll ask for someone else to take over.

Posted by TheMAM - October 27th, 2016

It feels awesome that we were able to continue Newgrounds' longest running collab to this day, and it's such a thrill to work with and meet so many neat artists every year. This one was a ton of fun, and hopefully we can see more new faces for next year's installment.

So thanks for second place daily, and keep on animating!

So, uh, question. I'm looking for a new laptop to animate on. You guys know any good brands that make custom-made, graphics-heavy, somewhat affordable laptops, and what specs do you think are enough to load Adobe programs like Photoshop and Flash well?

Posted by TheMAM - April 16th, 2016


Just like every year, your objective is to create a short animation showing what it would look like if the doodles on your page started moving. It should look like it was done with pencil.

1. No porn or sexual content.
2. Obey the specs given below.
3a. You can use your own sounds, but music will be included, so don't make sound vital.
3b. If sound is included, don't make it too loud or too quiet.
4. No sprites.
5. Sticks are allowed, but not encouraged.
6. Must be frame by frame - some tweening can be done, but keep it to a minimum.
7. Don't make rubbish or half-assed parts, do your best.
8. Stay active in the thread, post every few weeks or so.
9. Please tell us if you're dropping out, don't just disappear.
10. If you do not obey the specs and you make a part, you must create a new one no questions asked.
11. Use as fewer layers as you possibly can.
12. You must include a signature at the bottom right of your part.

Stage: Standard, 854x480 or 1280x720
Background: White
Format: CS3 to CS6 .fla, .flv
FPS: 24
Time: 5-20 seconds
Deadline: September 1st

Posted by TheMAM - March 29th, 2016

You like all those things? Well I got the cartoon for you! (Spoilers!)



Posted by TheMAM - January 12th, 2016

Amalloc has launched the Indiegogo campaign for the There She Is!! HD Remastered DVD, and for the upcoming 6th episode of the series, which tells the story of the three bullies after the events of the fifth episode.



Perks include a 72 hour preview of episode 6 online, a physical copy of the HD remastered series, wallpapers and artwork, and much more! This was one of the series that defined Newgrounds back in the day, and it's time for us to show some appreciation!  

Support There She Is!! 6th episode 'another step' now!


Posted by TheMAM - January 1st, 2016